Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a free and easy resource that can be useful to students and researchers.  There are a few particularly useful features of Google Scholar that I’d like to show you.

For FSU students (especially graduate students taking my classes), please watch both parts of this video below.  This will show you a short cut for citing APA, how to save articles, how to create alerts, and how to find .pdfs and related articles.  Note that there are aspects of these videos specific to FSU’s library, but the basics are applicable even if you aren’t at FSU.

Part 1: Google Scholar alerts “easy” APA citations, saving articles to library

Part 2: Google Scholar – finding related articles, finding .pdfs, Linking FSU library


I also have two short videos below – the details of both are presented in the two-part video above.  But, if you want a much shorter tutorial, this might help:

If you’re only interested in learning how to create alerts:

Creating Google Scholar alerts 

If you need to change citation format  – for example, you have the APA format and you need to change that to MLA or Vancouver:

Changing citation formats